Financial Decision Tracker
10 Questions
For professionals who work with older adults making significant financial decisions, including attorneys, financial planners, psychologists, bankers, investment brokers, insurance agents, accountants, law enforcement officers, and Adult Protective Services case workers.
Interview is electronically scored and recorded and takes approximately 10 minutes
This brief 10-item interview examines a specific financial decision made by an older adult to assess his or her financial judgment, vulnerability to theft and scams, and whether financial predation may have taken place.
The number of older adults with Alzheimer's disease, lack of financial capacity and risk for financial exploitation is increasing. Cognitive impairment and financial exploitation often go hand-in-hand. Professionals working with older adults can help prevent financial exploitation while documenting for compliance and risk management that proper assessments were done prior to the transaction. Learn efficient, accurate, state-of-the-art, and empirically supported methods of evaluating your older client's major financial decisions.




The Tracker asks the client about choice, rationale, understanding, and appreciation of a financial decision in the context of the client's values. These decisional abilities determine the fidelity, integrity and autonomy of the decision. Exploitation, undue influence, psychological vulnerability and reduced awareness can impair decisional ability.
On-going research is critical to refine and continuously improve our assessments and interviews. We periodically recruit older adults to cross-validate the Financial Vulnerability Assessment. We continue to collect and analyze de-identified data from client interviews in older adults from across the country, many of them Adult Protective Services workers. The Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center also includes the Financial Decision Tracker in its longitudinal study on cognitive changes, comparing Tracker results against cognitive status.
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Create an account to go directly to the brief online training and gain immediate access to the Lichtenberg Interview tools. Your password protected account keeps every interview secure, organized and accessible to you alone.
Create AccountTraining
Users of the Financial Decision Tracker must first complete a brief online training to be certified in its use. Groups or organizations can ask to schedule a webinar or in-person training with Dr. Lichtenberg for institutional certification.
Contact Us for information on on-site training for groups. Or login to complete online training now.
Get TrainedStart Training to Use the Interviews for Professionals
Certification is simple and straightforward. Our convenient online training shows you how to administer the assessments to achieve accuracy and reliability. Training to become certified to use the Decision Tracker and the Family & Friends Interview is available to all professionals. Training and certification to use the Vulnerability Assessment, however, should be completed only by a mental health professional.