Financial Exploitation of Older Adults
In 2024, AARP noted that the fear of scams and fraud is one of the top five worries of older adults. Dr. Peter Lichtenberg and his team have created tools and services for older adults to help prevent scams and fraud and to help those older adults and families impacted by financial exploitation.
Professionals working with older adults are encouraged to create an account and take the training to use OANE’s cutting-edge tools. Older adults can complete the Financial Vulnerability Survey anonymously and get feedback about their vulnerability. Finally, caregivers and others can access training and tools customized to their needs. The site is rich with resources and information.
Explore the tabs for Professionals, For Older Adults, and For Family & Friends to learn more.
Facts & True Cases
The FBI reported that older adults lost $3.4 billion to scams in 2023.
Technology scams, Government Imposter scams and Confidence/Romance scams continue to impact older adults more than other age groups.
Nearly half of these crimes are committed by someone the older adult knows and trusts, like a relative or caregiver. See why it’s critical to protect older adults from financial exploitation.

Start Training to Use the Interviews for Professionals
Certification is simple and straightforward. Our convenient online training shows you how to administer the assessments to achieve accuracy and reliability. Training to become certified to use the Decision Tracker and the Family & Friends Interview is available to all professionals. Training and certification to use the Vulnerability Assessment, however, should be completed only by a mental health professional.
Nest Egg Tools For Caregivers

Learn the warning signs of early cognitive impairment, clues to detecting financial mismanagement and the basics of managing another person’s money in our new, free elearning series for family and friends of older adults.
Visit our Caregiver Resources to learn where to get help in your community to news and research, fraud alerts and more – explore resources for families and friends caring for older adults. We didn’t cover something? Ask us a question.
Nest Egg Tools For Older Adults

How we make financial decisions can change as we get older.
Our questionnaires and financial coaching can inform and protect you.
Get a health check on your financial vulnerability, explore resources written especially for you, get coaching designed to prevent fraud and identity theft, as well as assist in recovering identity and funds if you have been a victim.
Groups or organizations interested in receiving training for either interview should contact Dr. Lichtenberg. He conducts trainings in person, via conference call or webinar. Participants learn the science behind the assessments and how to administer and score them. Dr. Lichtenberg also consults with organizations to help them understand the problem of financial exploitation and how these appraisals can protect their employees and the older clients they serve.
Call 313-664-2633 or use Contact Us to email.
Dr. Lichtenberg is a national expert in financial capacity assessment and the financial exploitation of older adults. An award-winning author and researcher, his interest in how older adults make financial decisions, and the responsibility to defend autonomy while protecting the vulnerable, led him to create the interview tools found here. He has conducted numerous medical evaluations and been an expert witness in more than 80 cases related to older adults and capacity.