Watch these self-paced video trainings on financial mismanagement, detecting dementia, how to hold difficult discussions, and the basics of managing another person’s money. For one-on-one financial coaching, visit our SAFE (Successful Aging thru Financial Empowerment) program.

20 Minutes
Changes in thinking skills may be an early sign of dementia. Learn to spot the first symptoms and get help.

20 Minutes
Compassionate techniques for good communication even when the subject elicits strong emotion.

20 Minutes
How do you know if your loved one is being exploited? Uncover the signs and put protections in place.

20 Minutes
Many older adults have a diminished capacity to handle finances and need help from a family member or trusted friend. Learn how to do it.

Be aware of the latest scams targeting older adults so you can warn vulnerable persons in your care:
- Scammers Pretend to Raise Money for Ukraine
- Romance Scams Steal $800 Million from 100,000 Americans
- Gift Card Scams Peak during Holidays
- Protecting Finances During COVID-19 Outbreak
- Coronavirus Scams: Targeting the Vulnerable
- Social Security’s Not Trying to Take your Benefits
- SSA imposters top IRS in consumer loss reports
Sign up to see the latest scams identified by the Federal Trade Commission: FTC Scam Alert Page
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